How to take care of your natural hair

How to take care of your natural hair

Taking care of your natural hair can be an overwhelming task. Each process seems time-consuming, and you may need assistance determining where to begin. Additionally, you can find a myriad of hair tricks online. You need to choose the best ones among them. Let’s find out some of the tips.

The wig industry has seen massive growth in recent years. What once was a social stigma has now become an everyday fashion accessory. While using wigs and hair extensions allows you to enjoy a variety of styles effortlessly, there is still one major issue we cannot take for granted. It’s the maintenance of natural hair. That brings us to the ultimate question—how to care for your natural hair?

Maintaining a consistent routine is essential regardless of your hair type. Let’s look at some of the most effective ways to take care of our natural hair, which are recommended by some of the most prominent beauty experts in the industry.

Understanding the characteristics of your hair

Characteristics of human hair may vary from person to person. So, you must determine the features of your natural hair before taking any action. Below, we’ve listed a few fundamental natural hair characteristics.

  • The scalp of hair produces a waxy, natural oil called sebum. It plays an essential role in protecting your skin from infection. However, having too much or too little sebum may cause skin problems or make your skin oily.
  • Your hair can be damaged due to over-combing. It also causes hair tangling sometimes. Hair breakage might also result from tangling. So avoid over-combing and get healthy hair.
  • If your hair is curved, kinky, and curly, it will likely shrink as it dries.

Determining your hair needs

Understanding your hair’s characteristics will help you determine your hair’s care and styling needs. Common issues with your hair would be dryness, breakage, and frizziness. If you can recognize what’s missing from your hair, you can easily choose the proper procedures to fill those gaps.

Make your wash routine

After better understanding your natural hair, it’s time to develop a wash day plan. You can divide your wash day plan into three categories: preparation, cleansing, and style. Let’s have a look:


This stage concerns preparing your hair before cleansing, whether pre-pooing, detangling, or beginning an oil treatment. Natural hair has many characteristics and volumes; therefore, it is essential to maintain and optimise it with a proper plan. Since hair can be very dense, splitting it into parts while washing, detangling, and styling is necessary. Otherwise, the hair can become overpowering because of the volume.


Now it is time to get in the shower and wash off dirt from your hair. Use a shampoo and conditioner before giving your hair a warm water rinse. You can apply a deep conditioner to make your hair moistened. However, when cleaning your hair, you should always keep the following factors in mind:

Avoid harsh shampoos:

Some include sodium lauryl sulphate, ammonium laureth sulphate, and ammonium lauryl sulphate. Avoid using these shampoos frequently if you want your hair to be healthy and natural. Clean your hair regularly with baking soda or oils if it doesn’t suit shampoo.

Avoid over-washing hair:

Your hair may lose moisture if you overwash it. You should try a dry shampoo that is sprayable and powder-based if your hair is oily. This kind of shampoo can remove extra oil without harming the hair follicle. Overusing the product, though, could damage your hair. Therefore, you should use it carefully and wisely.


After thoroughly cleaning your hair, the fun part is defining and moisturising your strands. You can apply a conditioner, cream, oil, or gel in this case. Let’s look at some essential hair styling tips:

Apply some styling products:

You can use gels and serums to make your hair more stylish. However, too much usage of these products can make your hair look greasy.

Use rollers to straighten your hair:

Rollers would help you straighten your hair with less heat than a straightener and curling iron. Natural hair will respond better to magnetic and satin-covered foam rollers than other types. It would be best to avoid Velcro or mesh rollers because they can tangle your hair and even break it.

Adopt protective styles:

Protective hairstyles like braids, twists, and knots keep the hair in place, which reduces the amount of time needed for styling and relieves stress on the ends. Some protective hairstyles, like braids, can take hours to complete. Others, like buns and twists, are simple to prepare at home.

Moisturising your hairstyle:

You can moisturise it regularly with a mixture of conditioner, water, and moisturising oils like coconut or olive oil.

Trim Your Hair Regularly

Some people believe that people who trim their hair only do this for personal style or that their hairdresser instructed them to do so. But that’s not the case. The advantages of hair trimming should never be forgotten. When you trim your hair, you eliminate the more harmful than beneficial sections. Additionally, your hair will appear thicker and healthier from root to tip if cut.
Furthermore, if you want to get natural hair, you have to avoid frizz where possible. Frizz may develop if you tend to wear hats and wigs a lot. Frizz can eventually harm your hair strands because natural hair is so sensitive. Trimming regularly might help to keep this under control.

Final Thoughts

Caring for natural hair will be a simple chore if you adhere strictly to the above procedures. Hope this article has been helpful for you in developing a routine that will help you grow healthy and shiny hair.


  1. How often should I wash my natural hair?

    Washing frequency depends on your hair type and lifestyle. Typically, washing natural hair once a week or every two weeks helps maintain moisture while keeping the scalp clean. Adjust based on your hair's needs; some may require more frequent washing due to sweat or oil buildup.

  2. What are the best products for natural hair?

    Look for sulphate-free shampoos, moisturising conditioners, leave-in conditioners, natural oils (like coconut, jojoba,or argan), and styling products without harsh chemicals. Experiment to find what works best for your hair's texture and needs.

  3. How can I retain moisture in my natural hair?

    Moisturise regularly using water-based products or natural moisturisers. Deep condition weekly, use leave-inconditioners, oils, or butters to seal moisture, and protect hair at night with a satin bonnet or pillowcaseto prevent moisture loss.

  4. What's the best way to detangle natural hair?

    Detangle hair when damp with a wide-tooth comb or fingers, starting from the ends and working your way up. Use a detangling spray or conditioner to minimise breakage and make the process smoother.

  5. How do I prevent shrinkage in natural hair?

    Embrace shrinkage as a sign of healthy hair. To temporarily elongate curls, try stretching techniques like banding, braiding, or twist-outs using minimal heat. However, be cautious with heat tools to avoid damage.

  6. What protective styles are suitable for natural hair?

    Protective styles like braids, twists, buns, and updos help protect natural hair from manipulation, environmental factors, and styling stress. Ensure they're not too tight to prevent tension and breakage.

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